Now is an ideal time to do some housekeeping and so we wanted to send you a reminder that if you have not made a Will now would be a good time consider your wishes and set them out in a legal document.

Apparently, there are a number of scammers and unqualified providers out there who are preying on people at supermarkets to scare them into making a Will, as has been featured on BBC Radio 4 You and Yours. If you’re interested in making a will, we can recommend a number of specialists you can confidently discuss your wishes with.

Don’t forget to put in place your Lasting Powers of Attorney for both health and finance too.

If you have made a Will already – well done! Give yourself a gold star.  However, keep in mind that your wishes and circumstances may have changed since then. It’s a good time to look at your Will and Lasting Power of Attorney to ensure they still reflect your wishes.

We certainly don’t want to be doom and gloom, but a Will and Power of Attorney should be something we all have in place for peace of mind. We have prepared a checklist for you to complete which highlights the planning you have done to date and other details we believe would be useful to have in place in the event of an emergency.

If you’d like a copy of the checklist, please email

Keep safe but be prepared.


The Waymark Team