Contact details
020 3427 3205
Waymark Financial Limited, 34 Lime Street, London, EC3M 7AT
At work
Rebecca’s career in financial services began at Waymark early in 2019 where she started as an Administrator/Trainee Paraplanner.
She has since passed her Diploma in Financial Planning and completed her apprenticeship with distinction and now works as a Paraplanner,
At play
Outside of work, Rebecca enjoys cooking, keeping fit, and spending time with family.
Rebecca in the spotlight
My proudest moment working at Waymark Financial:
Receiving my Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning and achieving a distinction in the apprenticeship course.
The three things I love most about my job are:
Working with an amazing team, being active in helping clients towards achieving their goals and writing reports.
The three words my colleagues would use to describe me are:
Approachable, observant and friendly
On an ideal weekend, you can find me:
Playing badminton at an amateur level.
My favourite holiday is:
Anywhere with good weather and good food.
I turn the radio up when they play:
Lana Del Rey – West Coast
The three people at my dream dinner party would be:
Manu Feildel, Jeffrey Dean Morgan and my father.
The three small things that make my day better are:
Listening to good music, getting my daily dose of caffeine and sunshine.
R01- Financial Services, Regulation and Ethics: This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the financial services industry, including regulation, legislation and the Code of Ethics.
R02 – Investment Principles: This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of investment products and the application of the investment advice process.
R03 – Personal Taxation: This qualification assesses a knowledge and understanding of the UK taxation system, and the ability to analyse the taxation treatment of individuals and trusts during the investment advice process.
R04 – Pensions and Retirement Planning: assesses knowledge and understanding of and ability to analyse pension and retirement planning issues.
R05 – Financial Protection: assesses knowledge and understanding of and ability to analyse financial protection planning issues.
R06 – Financial Planning Practice: This qualification helps advisers develop and demonstrate their financial planning capabilities.